Assistant Discipleship Coordinator
Kerby graduated from UNC Chapel Hill in 2014 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology and International Studies. In 2011 she went on service trip to Kenya with Freedom Global and returned the following summer for an internship. It has been made clear that this is an organization that will radically fight for the Lord’s people by sustainably working to fill social needs in Kenya through employment, education, & discipleship. What is happening here in Kenya is a worthy cause. Though Kenya is a majority Christian, Kerby values the importance of one-on-one discipleship relationships with secondary students, believes in reassuring the girls of their worth, and challenges them to live out their faiths. Kerby is known to wake up at 5am to catch a Carolina basketball game, often prays for a Chick-fil-A to open in Kenya, and is unbelievably grateful for her support team while in Kenya.