This January we launched a dairy business in Kenya. For every $1,200 donation toward a cow Freedom Global will earn approximately $3,000 annual profit from selling the milk. The profit is then invested into Uhuru Academy to help push it toward sustainability. Since each cow can breed five times during their lifespan this one donation can bring in $15,000 from the milk over roughly 5.5 years. Plus, each calf born that is a male can be sold for $1,200 after 1.5 years and each female calf can grow to be a milking cow and start the process all over again. Thus, each cow can bring in $15,000 + the profit from the offspring.
Currently we have funded 14 out of our 20 cow goal for 2016. Would you help us buy a cow? Having 20 cows will help Freedom Global bring in approximately $60,000 annually for Uhuru Academy from the milk alone.
We thank God for this new development and are continually anticipating that we will certainly do well in this venture. Our animals are healthy and good breeds. Pray that we get the wisdom and knowledge to carefully execute our goal. Pray for the health of our animals, and the strength of our staff.
Milk is a lucrative commodity in Limuru, Kenya, where 90 percent of the population takes tea with milk. This explains why the region lacks a proper supply of milk, and also why the majority of diary farms here are small, typically only with one or two cows.