Ever thought about going on a service trip overseas? Every few months, Freedom Global’s Kenya Team welcomes a group of volunteers. Here is information about how you can be a part of Freedom Global’s next service trip.
Who should come on a service trip?
Anyone and everyone. We have welcomed people from age 8 to age 84, professionals and students and homemakers and retirees, including people of many different faiths. Come with your church, group of friends, your family, or as an individual.
What happens on a service trip?
You will start by visiting the homes of Uhuru Academy students. Get ready to immerse yourself in the hospitable Kenyan culture, learn about their lives, and help with everyday chores. Next, you’ll have an opportunity to see Uhuru Academy itself and to meet our phenomenal teaching staff. You’ll love participating in discipleship events and building relationships with our high-schoolers. Each service trip also includes work projects on our farm or school. Finally, you’ll conclude the week with a photo safari, searching for wildlife in the gorgeous Maasai Mara.
Where would I stay if I came on a service trip?
You will stay in a beautiful old home in the breathtaking teafields of Limuru, about 45 minutes outside of Nairobi. Their unforgettable friendly staff provide general housekeeping, laundry, and delicious meals!
How would my presence in Kenya help Freedom Global? How would a service trip benefit me?
Speaking as a member of Freedom Global’s Kenya-side Team, we love hosting volunteer trips! Your heart for service, openness to learn about another culture, and your investment in our staff and students is a blessing and refreshment. In addition, your participation in work projects moves our mission forward in a very practical way.
Our trip-goers overwhelmingly state that they benefited more than they gave. Gain a deeper perspective as you talk with people from a radically different background and life experience. Form relationships and life-long memories. And see an absolutely beautiful corner of the world!
When in 2017 can I come on a service trip?
Refer to our website (https://freedomglobal.org/get-involved-2/come-to-kenya/) for future service trip dates.
Why should I come on a service trip?
I’ll refer this question to the people who are most qualified to answer it: trip-goers from our most recent October 2016 service trip. Some of their impressions from their trip are below:
- “Words to describe week: Amazing! Connecting! Humbling! Team building! Illuminating! Spiritually enriching.”
- “The girls at Uhuru Academy are the heart of the trip. Seeing how their lives have changed through the discipleship team and the level of education is overwhelmingly joyful.”
- “My favorite memory was having two students come and share how God had worked in their lives. It was inspirational and so encouraging to hear firsthand of God’s awesome work in both of their lives through Uhuru Academy.”
- “The young ladies at Uhuru Academy have completely changed my life. They are faithful, strong, intelligent and beautiful women who are the truest reflection of Christ I have seen. I cannot wait to see the places they go in their future and in furthering Christ’s kingdom.”
Finally, check out this beautiful thought from a two-time trip-goer. It’s worth considering!
“Why did I go to Kenya for the second time with Freedom Global? I knew I was being called to give more. Of course, it was giving only that which the Lord had given me… We were made to be a vessel, a channel. If we keep for ourselves what He has given to us, either the great news of the Gospel or the gifts and talents, it will never grow. Like a seed, we can either choose to grind the seed and provide for ourselves or we can plant the seed and feed others.”