Students Attend the Kenyan Science and Engineering Fair

Uhuru Academy has had a crazy busy month!  We sent 18 students to the Kenyan Science and Engineering Fair with projects on eggshell recycling, light-emitting lava lamps, road repairs with recycled materials and more.  We also received our national exam results from 2015 and learned that within our sub-county, Uhuru Academy is ranked tenth out of the 28 schools […]

Uhuru Academy Students Serve Community

At Uhuru Academy we have a service club on Sundays. The Form 2 (Sophomores) have been “serving” by going to a home for women with different mental and physical disabilities. Chesire Home is also where we have a weekly GLOW Club! Joining our Uhuru girls where five students from a Somali school that is close. A few of our […]

New Dairy Business at Our Farm

This January we launched a dairy business in Kenya. For every $1,200 donation toward a cow Freedom Global will earn approximately $3,000 annual profit from selling the milk. The profit is then invested into Uhuru Academy to help push it toward sustainability. Since each cow can breed five times during their lifespan this one donation can bring […]